managed a few hours out on the canal!
Me and tezo headed out for a few hours surface lure fishin, with poppers, walkers, chuggers u name it we tried it! the one lure that came out on top by far was the SwampFox in medium size! i stuck to wacky colours and tezo stuck to natural frog and mouse!
It was very hot and conditions got worse and worse, i no i cant complain about a bit of sun here in the lovely british summer but it was sooooooo hot! the fish just didnt want to play! with a few tiny jacks and perch showing! but all good fun all the same, as the afternoon went on we saw some more decent fish chasing and showing but still no decent hits..... i found a little over hanging hedge and banged my SwampFox under the branches with two winds on reel, BANG a fish of around 7-8lb! smashed my lure! with a head shake it was off, then again it charged and hit again! but....... with no luck this fish didnt want to no afterwards! GUTTIN
Time passed and things never really picked up! we started to head back to see wot our best swims had to offer now the light was fading we headed to a Bay thats full chocka block of lillies and there always fish over 15lb cruising the edges grabbin the hundreds of Rud and Roach, it looked amazing conditions couldnt get any better!! it screamed Pike! i chucked my lure over to the back of the bay and started twitchin it back slowely..... all of a sudden you could see thew lillies shake and swirl and thyen this massive wave swirled up behind the lure! this huge head just slammed my lure! this time it was on! and things went mental.... it screamed through the lillies tryin to tail walk and smash me into the snags! i only had my light USA bassin rod and tiny Baitcaster (shimano Chronarch 101bsv) things wer gettin hairy!
after 10mins or so of tug and war with this obvious double figure pike thing looked up on my side i was deffo winning this ultra light battle! i managed to turn it so it headed to the bank where Tezo was waitin to land her, we knew strate away it was a gooden when i saw terry struggle to pull her out! i lent over and tezo handed me this impressive summer beast! it was stunnin and even though it was not in the best condition it still looked crackin! once i returned it it swam off as if nothing had happend!
with the very next cast Terry had yet another double slam his lure and this one was well hooked as well! after 5mins of bullien this fish to stop it snaggin in the lillies it came off! guttin for terry but we had a wicked evenin! i just love summer surface lure bashing......
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